Sunday, September 18, 2011


hey I'm 14 soon 15 is it normal for me to like the Disney channel shows?|||Its normal i guess!

I'm 14 and i like it!

It has better shows than what they show on MTV!

And if your a teen and don't watch Disney or MTV then what else is there to watch!

I love the disney channel its awesome!|||yea just be yourself. i watch disney shows and im 15. Disney is never gets old for u

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|||yea its normal|||im older than you and looove disney, theres no age limit trust me.

i obviously like other channels and stuff too but disney will always bee fun.|||its normal at my age i am still watching that channel because of mickey, barney, lilo %26amp; stitch so dont fret|||LOL i suppose... if not them we are not normal together cause i just turned 15!! I sure hope so.... but in my opinion you never have to be to old to watch disney!

Hope that answers it!

%26lt;333|||Of course ! Why wouldn't it be?|||yeah it is but don't like become crazy over the stars|||I just turned 14 and i think Hannah Montana is great and I dont know why people hate her. I mean, if they dont like her, why do they bother to even write things about her or look her up?|||Yes it is it's absolutely fine!And plus Disney rocks!|||yea i do ha|||well i guess so if u don't mind people making fun of you sometimes.but their is nothing good on disney now it's boring all u see is hannah montana then HSM# when it comes|||yeah it's normal.|||Yeah I'm the same age and I LOVE the Disney channel!! lol.|||im 14 and i love them still!|||Not only are you cool for liking the Disney Channel, you have excellent taste as well !|||yes my cuzin is 18 and she likes disney still

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