Sunday, September 18, 2011


any thoughts on ...

disney as a whole

disney holidays, merchandise, films, shows etc.

influence disney has on countries

thanks!|||Is this for homework? Joking, it does sound like homework questions, ecspecially the last one. Well, either way, I'll oblige you.

Disney as a whole.... Well, I love Disney. The fairytales, such as Cinderella, Snow White, Lady and The Tramp always make me feel warm and magical inside. Walt Disney, the man who created it is awesome. He thought of everything, and it is neating reading through old books about the creation and continounce of Disney. In any words, Disney will always have me as a fan, and does play a big part in my life.

Disney holidays.... I'm not sure what you're talking about there. Unless it's Disney themed holidays, such as "Mickey's Christmas Carol". If that's it, then I love how they make movies, and cartoons based on the holiday. It makes holidays better to watch a easter, or Christmas show. It puts you more in the mood.

Merchandise.... I do buy Disney character themed things, such as notebooks, purses, and shirts. And, yes, I do love buying them. I have a Tinkerbell purse, and a Cinderella lamp. I am 19, but I still love that kind of stuff.

Films, shows.... love "The Pacifer", and that was a Disney film. I love the toons, like "House of Mouse", and the t.v. shows aren't all that anymore. I like the older ones, maybe early 90's.

Influence Disney has on countries... well, that one I don't know. You'll have to search it on the internet. I would assume, that everyone knows about it, if they have t.v., or their parents read them fairytales. Many probably love it worldwide.

Your welcome.

No matter what this was for, personal use, or homework, I hope that I helped.

I do like you're question, though, and I will star it.|||You're welcome, aha! I knew it was for homework. But, no, you're right, it's not cheating, it's exactly what you should be doing, getting opinions.

Disney holidays... now I can answer. Never been, REALLY wanna go, pretty simple. Lots a luck to you.

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|||i don't get what you maen

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|||It's a small world after all,

It's a small world after all,

It's a small world after all

It's a small, small world.

It's a small world after all,

It's a small world after all,

It's a small world after all

It's a small, small world.

It's ...

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|||Disney is evil.

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|||Mickeys cool|||disney is cute.

well, for kids.|||Evil!|||i love disney :]

the characters are so cute|||They make a lot of freakin money off of us!|||I went to disney lots as a kid, it is the best!|||I think Disney is evil! Okay maybe not evil but pretty darn close. They have their hands in just about everything and their films are seriously going down hill! Everything about them makes me sick. I've been to the parks and hated every second of them. Everything is so fake and overly happy - impossibily happy. Makes my teeth hurt!|||It's huge, beyond our wildest dreams, it seeps into almost every aspect of human life.....|||I like Disney movies.|||i love mickey...

it just makes me sad they refuse to make a major film about a black/african girl or main character. all my friends dont think i should support them and for many years i tried to defend by saying they havent depicted many other races either but as time went on they have done films on asian, arab, native american girls, even polynesian girls. its pathetic really. now that the disney princesses line is so big you would think they would have included a black girl by now.

this may seem like adult politics but its important for kids to see people that look like them doing all kinds of things. it would be nice to see a black princess.|||I think it could be it's own city. Like the Vatican and control ppls minds. Like mouse worship or something. And I think they're too expensive for the average family and they suck that way. cuz every little one wants to go to disney land.|||Walt are you hoping to find?|||great theam parks the pirates of the caribbean films 1 and 2 are great|||the old disney films are amazing, i love bambi in particular

the theme parks are a little too commercialised now|||Disney is the best. I love their movies, their merchandise, and their theme parks! Who doesn't love disney?|||i donno if this is true, but i heard:

every classical disney cartoon has porn in it. in the lion king if you look closely at the trees, you will see something

in one of the cartoons (forgot which one) if you look closely through the windows............ .

those are the only ones i've heard of... i donno

other than that, yah disney is pretty cool.


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