anyone have any advice for an ispiring disney actress/singer? i know i can do it, but i live in Maine no where near LA! please help%26lt;3|||First of all, I just wanted to give my words of wisdom: If you don't chase your dreams, you'll never catch them. Secondly, you don't need to live in L.A. to become a Disney star. I believe they do casting calls in New York and maybe even Canada. Also you have to remember, you won't get your own show immediately. You may start as an extra and then kep moving up. Disney loves having music so if they discover you as an actress, chances are they will love you as a singer.
Just to prove it to you...the Jonas Brothers grew up in a little town called Wycoff New Jersey. That never stopped them from becoming famous!|||well me too, I also wanna be famous (I have a band) but my plan is to put a video on youtube and wait, I've noticed that nowadays many people are getting famous by that... thanks for the answer in my question... oh yeah maybe after getting discovered you can audition in Disney|||im struggling with the same thing! i like in Massachusetts and also want to be on disney channel. look for things in the area. thats what i'm trying to do. they do film lots of movies in boston. also in new york, but that may be to hard to travel. look for an agent or manager. they will help big time!|||You need experience first. You should have a local children's theatre, no matter where you live. Take classes and try out for plays there. That's what I do and I just got a role in a movie! :) Those who dream big make it big! good luck|||start small by working at the Disney parks. or at least getting to know the important people. then try to strut ur stuff by singing or doing acting. but follow ur dreams. dont listen to peopel who tell u not to do it.|||well I think that you should start doing auditions in places nearby and get some more experience and become well known around here so that other people can recommend you for parts in Disney channel shows.|||If your 14 your already to old for them........acting school alone is about 3yrs .
And not to mention the 20,000,000 other kids who are thinking just like you , that are in front of you...!|||Um. if you want alot of people bashing you, go ahead and be a disney star! ^_^
Maybe you won't suck, unlike the others! :O
Oooo, Burn!|||If you decide to use any type of agency DON'T PAY THEM ANY MONEY! A real agency will get you work and take their cut from your pay not from your bank account before you even begin to work.|||I agree with Touch Me, I'm Sick.
Real fans of music despise the manufactured pop stars.|||THEN MOVE YOU DUMBASS.
... good luck!|||DON'T DO IT
There's my advice.|||No I don't
I am not into all that disney crap!
Jonas Brothers are sh!t and gay by the way|||move to la?
try to contact disney reps or send them tapes and pictrues etc etc
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