Sunday, September 18, 2011


this is just a general question, but who prefers the older disney movies such as aladdin, the lion king and beauty and the beast?

i'm 15 and aladdin is still one of my faves =D|||MAKE ME FEEL MY AGE!!!!! to me the old disney movies are the Aristicats, The rescuers, and things like that. The Loin king, and alladin are the new kids on the block!!! excuse me, i need to go get my Geritol and walker now before i fall and break my hip.|||Aristocats (not Aristicats; pay atention in ancient history for gods sake) came out around the same time as Aladdin (not Alladin)and old rocks and the new crap/disney channel sux...

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|||i love beauty and the beast. although all the really old ones (aristocats, 101 dalmations, robbin hood and my fav sword in the stone) i prefer beauty and the beast because it has such a nice storyline and the ballroom scene sets a good feeling.

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|||I think u could be right. Aladdin and the Lion King are great. The opening of Lion King just takes my breath away every time.|||I kinda stopped bothering with Disney movies when they starting using computers to do all the animation, didn't mind it when they used it for a few scenes etc. I much prefer The Little Mermaid, Beauty %26amp; The Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Robin Hood, and of course the live action mixes, Mary Poppins, %26amp; Bedknobs And Broomsticks. The oldies are the goodies.|||Oh my god you are young if you class "The Lion King" as an old Disney film. Look back furtheer and see "Cinderella" "Snow White" and "The Lady and the Tramp". Those are classics.|||i am 17 and i like all ov the disney

toystory has got to be the best|||I love the old and the new and I'm 20! I watched Brother Bear for the first time today with my 3 yr old sister and we loved it, just proves Disney can still make great Disney Classics.|||im not that old and i still like cinderella|||You have to go even further back to find my favourites.

"Bambi" (1942), "Lady and the Tramp" (1955) and "Robin Hood" (1973).

I do prefer "Aladdin" and "The Lion King" to the current Disney productions, though.|||yeah lion king is my fave

new films such as 'meet the robinsons' simply dont compare to the older classics.

they never become old- i always sit and watch the lion king at home when i'm ill.|||me!! i love the older ones like beauty and the beast or the little mermaid. aaaawww, i miss these movies.|||classics are the best. :)

my favs are beauty and the beast and little mermaid!

they are just more funny.|||Since when has "Aladdin" been an "Older Movie"? Surely they are only old if Walt was alive when they came out. (Jungle Book or earlier). I've always been fond of Pinnochio (which was Disney's second feature length animation)|||Ouch...ditto on the feeling old....Snow White, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Pinochio are the truly old ones..These came out on the 30's 40'50's....Lion King and Beauty were late 1980's early 1990's.....

My favorite "Old One" will always be "Sound Of The South"...I am fourtunate enough to have a copy af it. Disney has never released in on DVD or Video in the USA.

There is nothing like Uncle Remus singing "Zipadee Doo Doo Dah"......|||I love Beauty and The Beast, it's just such a lovely movie! I adore the Disney classics.|||My favorite is the lion king closely followed by jungle book and then beauty and the beast. Yes i agree they are better|||I'm 26 n my fav cartoon Disney or not is def the original robin hood|||short film Steamboat Willie (1928) one of the best seen it years ago also liked Snow White seen it on the pictures in the late 70s-early 80s when i was little another old film i like is fox and the hound with Tod %26amp; Copper|||I am 23 and the older disney movies will forever continue to be better than any disney movie that comes out now. My all time favorites are The Little Mermaid and 101 Dalmations. Forever classics.|||lion king is my fav but i do like finding nemo!|||My faves are -

lion king


beauty and the beast


little mermaid

well in fact i like em all !!!!!!!|||im 14 and i 鈾?all the old ones like lion king, peter pan, little mermaid, the aristocats, robin hood, etc.|||Totally the old ones. And thats my favorite too!!|||i prefer the old ones such as snow white, which was the first colour disney movie brought out in 1937, followed by pinocchio in 1940, bambi(not a fan) in 1942 and cinderella in 1950. these are the proper disney classics. dont get me wrong aladin is a good movie, but its not a very old classic (1992).

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